La colaboración público-privada como manifestación del gobierno abierto
- Alejandro Canónico-Sarabia 1
- José Ignacio Herce Maza 2
Universidad Villanueva
Universidad Villanueva
Madrid, España
- 2 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
ISSN: 3020-8378
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakia: 1
Orrialdeak: 263-284
Mota: Artikulua
This work presents an analysis from the perspective of public law in general, which analyzed the figure of public-private collaboration in an open government environment. It is based on the concept of open government, understanding it as a new form of public management that integrates a series of mechanisms and strategies that contribute to good government in the public sector, based on four major principles: transparency, participation, collaboration, and accountability. All this associated with the concept of democracy. Then it is observed that precisely, in the context of an open government, the principle of good administration fits perfectly, and all of this results in a favorable scenario for the development of public-private collaboration experiences; understanding that the principle of subsidiarity is the fundamental link to guarantee the success of the figure, which in turn, would translate into benefits for citizens.