Santo Tomás y Crusius, frente a Kant y los racionalistas. El trasfondo metafísico de sus objeciones contra el argumento ontológico

  1. Ignacio Garay 1
  1. 1 Universidad Austral

    Universidad Austral

    Buenos Aires, Argentina


Espíritu: cuadernos del Instituto Filosófico de Balmesiana

ISSN: 0014-0716

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Urtea: 71

Zenbakia: 164

Orrialdeak: 305-325

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Espíritu: cuadernos del Instituto Filosófico de Balmesiana


TSt. Thomas, Kant and Crusius are three of the great objectors to the ontological argument. However, the metaphysical assumptions of their criticisms are very different. Therefore, in this paper I propose to analyze the objections of St. Thomas, Kant and Crusius against the ontological argument and to show that the objections of St. Thomas and Crusius are more similar to each other than to that of Kant.

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