Divulgación mediática del autismo en el contexto informativo de la televisión pública española
- Eva Matarín Rodríguez-Peral 1
- Tomás Gómez Franco 2
- María Julieta Hough 1
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
ISSN: 2173-1675
Año de publicación: 2024
Volumen: 14
Número: 1
Páginas: 1-16
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista de Comunicación y Salud: RCyS
Research has shown the impact of news coverage on audiences. However, the accessibility bias also has an impact on the behaviour of the population. For this reason, this research aims to find out what information practices are being carried out by the mediathat can enhance knowledge about the autism spectrum disorder, facilitating the inclusion of this group. Given the quantitative nature of this research, it is determined to carry out a case study of the Spanish public television news through the analysis of the coverage on autism in La 1. The database has been elaborated with the information provided by the Fundación Ciudadana Civio. It was found that there is a positive evolution in the attention paid to autism, resulting in an increase in the number of mentions. On the other hand, the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the difficulties to return to pre-pandemic results have been found. In view of the above, the research on the informative coverage of autism is key for the inclusion of this collective in society: that the cabinets of the ASD associations know in detail the aspects that make it more probable that TVE echoes their data, as well as to show the media a diagnosis of the situation, will allow deepening the knowledge and will facilitate the inclusion of people belonging to the autistic spectrum.
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