Percepción de los docentes sobre las nuevas tendencias tecnológicas aplicadas a la educación

  1. Miguel Lázaro Alcalde 1
  2. Euclides José Cova Fernández 2
  3. José María Jiménez Peláez 3
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


  2. 2 Universidad Nebrija

    Universidad Nebrija

    Madrid, España


  3. 3 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Madrid, España


Las TIC en educación: perspectivas actuales
  1. Mª Beatriz Juárez Escribano (coord.)
  2. Diana Valero Errazu (coord.)

Publisher: Aranzadi ; Civitas

ISBN: 978-84-1162-963-8 978-84-1162-961-4

Year of publication: 2024

Pages: 103-128

Type: Book chapter


Society is constantly changing, causing new resources andtools to emerge every day that can be applied to educational practice.Schools and, therefore, teachers cannot be left behind and must take intoaccount each new proposal in order to improve their classroom practice.This is why technology, digital resources and methodologies are increasinglypresent in schools. For some time now, it has been the task of teachersto be continuously in training in order to understand, value and take advantageof these resources and educational trends. However, despite the factthat many of these trends have proven their worth, not all teachers have thesame perception of the benefits they bring to their pedagogical practice. Thisis mainly due to the fact that there are trends and tools that are easier tointegrate at a particular stage or in a particular area. This chapter shows theperception of 279 teachers from different educational stages and areas ofknowledge about the educational trends promoted by the EDUCAUSEHorizon report as those that will have the greatest impact on education inthe coming years: learning analytics, virtual reality, augmented reality, theinternet of things, open educational resources, neuroeducation, artificialintelligence, computational thinking, virtual learning environments andadaptive learning. This study also analyses the perception of each teacheron their ability to use the latest educational trends according to the area andstage in which they teach.