La Guerra Civil en el cine de Arturo Ruiz Serranopaseos y destierros

  1. Yolanda López López 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


Historia y cine: el primer franquismo 1939-1945
  1. Magi Crussels (coord.)
  2. Beatriz de las Heras (coord.)
  3. Antonio Pantoja (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de Barcelona

ISBN: 978-84-09-22492-0

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 1

Pages: 257-266

Type: Book chapter


The historiographical research and the study of oral, written and audio-visual sources, keep on giving light over the first years of the Francoist government and its consequent recreation on movies. We propose to study some representative works by Arturo Ruiz Serrano that have been almost unnoticed in commercial cinemas. His career starts in the first years of the XXI century with short films such as Paseo (2007). Starred by a bohemian poet, an illiterate pheasant and a wounded soldier, this short is dedicated to those shot in all wars. It is an overview of the military conflict and of the lost and it is complemented by the full-length film El destierro (2015), in which a young seminarian assigned to a small guard post, had to live with a fellow who, at first sight, was as rude as different as he is. The importance of the landscape and its connection with the characters, common denominator in both films, it is also represented as a metaphor and a reflection about pain and isolation.