"A joy for ever"Ritualidad y estética neobarrocas en la Semana Santa de Sevilla

  1. Navarro-Rico, Carlos Enrique
Arte y Semana Santa
  1. Vidal Bernabé, Inmaculada (coord.)
  2. Cañestro Donoso, Alejandro (coord.)

Editorial: Hermandad del Cristo

ISBN: 978-84617-5145-7

Año de publicación: 2016

Páginas: 59-82

Congreso: Congreso Nacional, Arte y Semana Santa celebrado en Monóvar (1. 2014. Alicante)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


The aim of the present paper is to analyse the neo-Baroque logic that structures the celebration of Holy Week in Seville, both in festive, social and ritual aspect, as in the artistic and aesthetic, through works and texts of a very different nature and age, with special attention nowadays. The aim is to explain why the neo-Baroque has emerged as the canonical style of the brotherhoods; why other stylistic choices are rejected; and what differentiates those who have managed to be accepted. Finally, we write about some considerations on the validity of the “aesthetic of detail” in different cultural and audiovisual products of this popular spring celebration.