La Conferència dels Tres Comuns i el Braç militardues institucions decisives en el tombant del segle XVII
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
ISSN: 0213-6791, 2013-3995
Año de publicación: 2008
Número: 19
Páginas: 197-211
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics
During the period that goes from the death of Charles II (1700) to the end of the Succession War (1714), the three commons (Consell de Cent, Deputation of The Principality of Catalonia and Military Arm), acquired a very important role in the defense of the Constitutions when kings tried to beak them. However, the actions of three commons were guided by a new institution: the Conference of Commons. The doctoral thesis studies this institution, which was decisive during these years, and helps us to understand why Catalans supported to Charles III, the archduke. Conference of Commons was also important because of its meaning in the context of representative institutions: it did well for the unity of action of the commons, and, at the same time, it permits the access of the new mercantile sectors to the groups with political power.
Referencias bibliográficas
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- Peter BLICKE (1998), From the comunal reformations to the revolutions of the common man, Leiden, Brill, p. 128.
- Víctor FERRO (1987), El dret públic català, Vic, Eumo.