Los valores en los primeros guías de los Picos de Europa

  1. Villota Valverde, S. 1
  1. 1 Universidad Camilo José Cela

    Universidad Camilo José Cela

    Villanueva de la Cañada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03f6h9044

AGON: International Journal of Sport Sciences

ISSN: 2254-2132

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 88-99

Type: Article

More publications in: AGON: International Journal of Sport Sciences


From! the! middle! of! the! XIXth! century! to! the! beginning of the XXth! one,! there! were! a! few! “tourists”! who came! into! Picos de! Europa! mountains,! but! they! were! always! with! local! people! working!as!guides.!Those!guides!carried!the!luggage, and! drove! the! tourists inside! the! mountains.! Nowadays!we!only have!small!information!on!them. Who!were! they?!Which!was! their! occupation?!How! did! they! carry! out! their! job! as! guides?! There! is not! much!literature!based!on!them. They!were! the!main!architects!of! the!successes!and! failures!of the first! travelers.!While mostly!illiterate,! they!had!no!difficulties!to!get!along!with!French!and! English travelers!(with!low!levels!of!Spanish!language! in!many! cases).!They!were! honest!and! hardworking! (as! “tourists” themselves),! but! also! tough! and! stubborn,! just! as tardy.! But! certainly the! most! appreciated! value! was! their great! climbing! ability! and! the!great! help! rendered,! finding!ways! to!go! on! and always!willing!to!help!when!needed!(with!a!hand! or! even! the! whole! body! “being! a! bridge! if! the! situation!required!it”). In! this! historical! review,! based! on! articles! wrote! by! the!first!tourists,!we!find what!they!think!about!their! guides.! We! will! pay! attention! to! articles! by! those! first! tourist! (especially!G.!Schulz,!Casiano!del!Prado,! and! SaintOSaud)! and! also! the! first! climbers! (Pedro! Pidal,! José! Fernandez! Zabala! among)! of! Picos! de! Europa. We! found! differences! between! first! travelers! and! climbers! relationship! with! their! guides.! These! ones! began! as! good! carriers,! and! became! guides,! almost! friends.