Estudio del perfil empresarial de las empresas de turismo activo y turismo de aventura (TA2) a través del análisis de los estatutos depositados en el registro mercantil de Madrid.

  1. Lázaro Mediavilla Saldaña 1
  2. Sergio Villota Valverde 1
  3. Yolanda García Calahorro 1
  4. Daniel Ortiz García 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Madrid, España


Acciones e investigaciones sociales

ISSN: 1132-192X

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 35

Pages: 133-150

Type: Article

More publications in: Acciones e investigaciones sociales


Companies of all sectors should register with the Bu-siness Register for their province, thereby complying with standard procedure, in which the purpose of such entity is identified, along with the business objectives to be pursued during its commercial life, as per its statutes. From the identification, analysis and study of such information, using an observational, interpretative, analytical, quanti-tative and qualitative methodology, the business profile of companies appearing in the commercial register of Madrid have been looked at within the sphere of "active tourism and adventure tourism" (TA2). The legal profile of these companies is identified along with their track record between 2008 and 2012 in order to compare and con-trast the data gleaned from the registered companies. There is a bu-siness trend with respect to previous years with representative values being identified, enabling us to explore the reality of the business activity of active tourism, in particular in the commercial register such as the one in Madrid. On account of the size of its population, this is significant for any business sector, while also making it possible to extrapolate the data to the records of other communities. In short, a large dispersion can be observed in the data, recognising an average life for such companies, as well as the disappearance of quite a large number of them. This stems from the lack of demand, since 2008 was the year when the crisis affected all sectors, tourism included, and of course active tourism followed the same fate

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