El origen de la técnica de danza ReleaseDefinir una revolución

  1. Carmen Giménez Morte 1
  2. Rosa Belén Ardid Pérez 2
  1. 1 Conservatori Superior de Dansa de València Nacho Duato y UNIR, España
  2. 2 Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Alicante, España
El artista: revista de investigaciones en música y artes plásticas

ISSN: 1794-8614

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 20

Type: Article

More publications in: El artista: revista de investigaciones en música y artes plásticas


This article deals with the origins of the release dance technique, which occurred during the early sixties within the American postmodernism, as a new paradigm of the dance learning process that developed beyond the established models up to that moment coming from classical and modern dance, responding to the search for individual artistic freedom that was also detached from the scenic restrictions of the moment. From a critical compilation of information, our purpose is to offer a demarcation of the technique, since, although widespread among the dance community, there is great ignorance regarding its origins. It also includes the description of its main characteristics in relation to the use of ideokinesis, its principles and methodology and finally the different definitions used by the pioneers in its evolution. This technique provides a renewal on the dancers out look towards their body practice and an expansion of creative, personal and social skills. For this, a bibliographic review has been followed as a methodology.

Bibliographic References

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  • Celichowska, R. (2000). The Erick Hawkins Modern Dance Technique. Princeton Book Company. Trenton, New Jersey. EEUU.
  • Dowd, I. (1990), Taking Root to Fly, ten articles on functional anatomy. Contact Editions. Vol. 8 No. 2. Winter 1983.
  • George, D. (2020). The natural body in Somatics dance training. Ed: Oxford University Press. Oxford. Reino Unido.
  • Lepkoff, D. (1998). Invisible History. Movement Research, Performance Journal Nº 17, Inc. Otoño-Invierno 1998. Nueva York, EEUU. Recuperado el 20 de octubre de 2021. https://movementresearch.org/publications/performance-journal/issue-17
  • Matt, P. (2020). A Kinesthetic Legacy. The Life and Works of Barbara Clark. Ed: Thinking Body Institute Media, Scottsdale, Arizona, EEUU.
  • Ríos, L. (2022). ¿Qué es Release. Somática, danzar imaginando. Página web. Recuperado el 30 de noviembre de 2022. http://somatica.marisolsalinas.com/textos-de-interes/que-es-release/
  • Skinner Releasing Network. (s/f)). About Joan Skinner. (página web). Recuperado el 15 de julio de 2022. https://skinnerreleasingnetwork.org/welcome-to-srn/about-joan-skinner/
  • Topf, N. y King, H. (2022). A guide to a somatic movement practice. The anatomy of center. Gainesville, Florida. EEUU. Ed: University Press of Florida.
  • Valencia, M. y Bell, B. (2016). Susan Klein and Joan Skinner. Movement Research, Performance Journal, From the archives, Movement Research 22 september 2016. Nueva York, EEUU. Consultado el 18 de agosto de 2022 en https://movementresearch.org/publications/critical-correspondence/susan-klein-and-joan-skinner.