Encontros e desencontros amorosos no feminino: uma reflexão sociodramática sobre os papéis de gênero

  1. Barbosa Lins de Almeida, Juliana

ISSN: 1983-3415

Année de publication: 2010

Volumen: 4

Número: 1

Pages: 162-179

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: AMAzônica


This paper refers to a theoretical and experiential psychotherapy experience, whosemain objective was to reflect how gender roles relate to the psychodynamics of relationships. To this end, sessions were held for a fixed themed role-play, which wasproposed title "Lost in Translation loving." The meetings took place in a Presbyterian church in the city of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, with the support group composed ofwidows, divorcees and single women. Psychodrama techniques were used as facilitators of the process of creativity and spontaneity and the results were analyzed according to the theory of psychotherapy roles. This work proceeded in three months by being distributed in ten weekly sessions, lasting two hours each. It was observedthat although feminism has reached many achievements in the social sphere, the perception of women is still very much rooted in the traditional "stay-at-home mother"and the man at the head of the family. It is known that very young women areencouraged to perform some activities that suggest challenges as well as receive messages from an early age that they are not as competent as men, for somefunctions, and this, of course, still influences the perception of gender.