El día despuésla respuesta de la prensa local, desde el punto de vista del grafismo, al atentado a las Torres Gemelas: un caso práctico, el Adelantado de Segovia

  1. Martín López, Ana María
Anuario de la Universidad Internacional SEK

ISSN: 0717-2508

Year of publication: 2001

Issue: 7

Pages: 179-189

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuario de la Universidad Internacional SEK


Analysts agreed that the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New Cork on September 11th and all the events after that, have produced a very important change in history. Those events have influenced on newspapers and magazines design, too. This article tries to analyse the way that a local newspaper as El Adelantado de Segovia, reacted to such an important piece of news. And we are going to analyse the answer of this product from the point of view of graphic elements showed in its pages, as photographs, digital illustration, comics, cartoons, etc.