Multimedialidad, traducción y censura.El género como conflicto en las adaptaciones teatrales de la Edad Moderna de Estudio Uno (RTVE)

  1. Parra Sánchez, Diego Ernesto 1
  2. Castellano Ortolá, Elena
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine

ISSN: 2695-639X

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakia: 5

Orrialdeak: 83-95

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.24310/TLC.5.2023.16619 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


The main objective of this article proposal is to introduce the academic community the ideas behind the TVTHEAGEN research project: an innovative and ambitious multidisciplinary research work proposal that aims to address the set of Estudio 1 16th and 17th centuries plays adapted to television as a corpus of work. This was a TV program broadcasted throughout almost three decades (1965-19985). A period of time of enormous significance given that it testifies to a period of profound political and social transformations in Spain, linking together three historical moments of great importance: the Franco regime (1965-1969), the pre-transition, which, according to the proposed term by Charles T. Powell, would cover 1969-1975 (Powell, 1993) and the Democratic Transition (1975-1984). Once the television scripts have been collected, there will be three theoretical frameworks from which the textual analysis will be carried out: the translation framework, the multimedia framework, and the gender framework. Thus, the project will analyze the respective translations and adaptations of the original theatrical text to the television script format to see how the motifs and female characters in the works develop in successive staging, paying special attention to the censorship that many of these scripts were subjected to. In other words, to conceive the Estudio 1 television script as a reflection of a concrete and evolving historical moment regarding the treatment of women on stage.

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