Voluntad de poder y hermenéuticarasgos fundamentales del ser humano nietzscheano

  1. Pablo Frontela Asensio 1
  1. 1 Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

ISSN: 1887-9853

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Las múltiples caras de la interpretación

Issue: 18

Pages: 55-86

Type: Article

DOI: 10.46583/SCIO_2020.18.696 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

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It is intended to offer some clues to both introduce and understand the anthropological structure of the Nietzschean subject in hermeneutical codes. In order to do so, it shall be vehicularly used the idea of the will to power, which is to be displayed along different milestones of the author’s philosophy. Fundamental elements of Nietzsche’s thought will be traced so as to show the coherence of the conceptual unity of seemingly distant terms such as “becoming”, “genealogy”, “body”, or “being”, articulated from the perspectivist condition to which leads the original work of Nietzsche. The synthetic integration of the aforementioned terms will also be based on the radical experience of nineteenth-century nihilism, to finally offer an original criterion of truth whose ontology respects both the precariousness of human existence and the destitution of a time deprived of ultimate meaning. After the diagnosis of this epochal symptomatology and the integration of man into such a meaningless space and perspectivist horizon, it will be offered some attempts of existence that also respect the hermeneutical peculiarity of the Nietzschean man by having the actual effective life as a limit.

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