Necesidad de la cultura de autogestión económica en las cooperativas no agropecuarias

  1. Yaniceidys González Ramírez
  2. Oscar González Fernández
Didasc@lia: Didáctica y Educación

ISSN: 2224-2643

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 10

Issue: 3

Pages: 151-157

Type: Article

More publications in: Didasc@lia: Didáctica y Educación


At work considerations about the imperatives of economic self-management culture in non-agricultural cooperatives they are presented. For these purposes from the critical analysis of the interpretation of self-management of several authors. At the same time builds the culture of economic self-management in non-agricultural cooperatives in Cuba is a priority for the fulfillment of their social functions and strengthening human values related to the social project that is built.Is up to the conclusion that the culture of economic self-managed cooperatives nonagricultural favors the feeling of co-owner, the community of individual interests, collective and social as well as compliance with rules and regulations governing the operation of non-agricultural cooperatives.