The importance of developing social and emotional learning (SEL) within the CLIL classroom, with special reference to Spain

  1. Mortimore, Louisa Jane
Encuentro: revista de investigación e innovación en la clase de idiomas

ISSN: 1989-0796

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 26

Pages: 126-140

Type: Article

More publications in: Encuentro: revista de investigación e innovación en la clase de idiomas


The Spanish Law of Education (LOMCE)1 of 2013 states that teachers and schools have the responsibility to foster students’ personal growth and social integration (BOE 2013, Article 12886, p. 97858-9). Meanwhile, the progressive implementation of bilingual education in many autonomous communities within Spain, such as the Autonomous Community of Madrid, has necessarily shifted teaching towards approaches such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). This article presents an argument for the compatibility and mutual inclusiveness of CLIL and the objectives of the LOMCE regarding social and emotional learning.

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