A. Macintyreindividualisme, comunitarisme i valors occidentals

  1. Lorenzo Izquierdo, David
Diàlegs: revista d'estudis polítics i socials

ISSN: 1138-9850

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Ausgabe: 12

Nummer: 44

Seiten: 43-78

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Diàlegs: revista d'estudis polítics i socials


One of the most important aspects of communitarianism is the criticism of the liberal self-view and of the ethics and politics, that is, the criticism of an individualist view of the human being. Although the MacIntyre's thinking has been studied from many points of view, no research has been made on his alternative and global criticism to individualism. This is the reason for which this article studies and analyses Maclntyre's alternative. Thereforee, we have to answer two questions: (1) on which concepts does Maclntyre base his alternative to individualism? and (2) does this alternative surpass individualism? We have divided this article into four sections: In the first we define the concept of individualism; in the sccond, we analyse MacIntyre's concept of narrative person, together with the concepts of progress and community, in the third we will see the concept of tradition (narrative rationality); and finally we dedicate a fourth section to the conclusions.