Las emociones: una asignatura pendiente en la formación de profesionales

  1. Mar Souto‐Romero 1
  2. Teresa Torres‐Coronas 1
  3. Mario Arias‐Oliva 1
  1. 1 Universitat Rovira i Virgili

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili

    Tarragona, España


Finding Solutions for a Post-Crisis Society: 1st International Virtual SBRLab Conference
  1. Teresa Torres-Coronas (ed. lit.)
  2. Angel Belzunegui Eraso (ed. lit.)
  3. Josep Moreno Gené (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

ISBN: 978-84-8424-410-3

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 434-448

Type: Book chapter


Higher Education has four main goals: training for labor market, training for life as an active citizen in a democratic society, professional and personal development, and the development of a wider base of knowledge for society. Current economic crisis encourage all these university aims. Taking into consideration the higher obsolescence rate of knowledge, it is recommended a shift from an educational system based on employment competences development to an emotional competences oriented education. Our research focus on barriers that should be overcome in order to develop this emotional competencies framework.