Sánchez Sánchez, N. (Coord.). (2023). Procesos y contextos educativos en Educación Secundaria. Centro de Estudios Financieros, 264 pp.
- 1 Doctora en Historia de América por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, España)
ISSN: 2444-250X, 2444-2887
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakia: 27
Orrialdeak: 215-218
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación
Throughout the following text, a brief analysis of the manual Procesos y contextos educativos en Educación Secundaria is presented. Reading these ten chapters will bring all future educators closer to current realities both inside and outside our Secondary classrooms, preparing them for the evolution of their duties as education professionals. It provides firsthand knowledge of how the educational system works and how to work on different levels to address the comprehensive development of students in a personalized manner. Therefore, its reading is essential for teachers whose responsibility in this educational stage goes far beyond teaching only the curriculum, as it allows understanding the cultural characterization of young people and how to teach through them to carry out a successful teaching-learning process in Secondary Education.