La audición musical en Educación Primaria en la LOMLOEanálisis, espacio y novedades principales
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- Marco Antonio de la Ossa-Martínez (coord.)
Publisher: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
ISBN: 978-84-9044-630-0
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 177-191
Type: Book chapter
Musical audition is one of the sections that have a greater relevance within Musical Educationin the Primary Education stage. It derives from the very nature of music, since when oneor more people perform, compose or record any musical proposal on any medium, they do somotivated by a need to express or build something through its own medium: sound. Withoutlistening and without the figure of the listener, be it a single individual or a group of them,music would not close the cycle that is its own.The new regulations proposed in Primary Education in Spain in the LOMLOE and RoyalDecree 157/2022 clearly bet on the competence approach. This article analyzes the space andrelevance that listening to music has within the Art Education and Music Education curriculum.Thus, the descriptors of the exit profile of this stage, the key competences, the generalobjectives, the specific competences, the basic knowledge and the evaluation criteria are takeninto account to reaffirm the remarkable space that musical hearing has in these laws.