Miedo a la muerte en alumnos del Ciclo formativo de Grado Medio en Técnico en Emergencias Sanitarias tras la pandemia por Covid-19

  1. Plaza Carmona, María 1
  1. 1 Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León

    Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León

    León, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05gn84d31

Educa: revista internacional para la calidad educativa

ISSN: 2792-7660

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 109-124

Type: Article

DOI: 10.55040/EDUCA.V4I1.77 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Educa: revista internacional para la calidad educativa

Sustainable development goals


The  aim of this study is to analyse the fear of death due to Covid-19 as perceived by students of the Intermediate Level Training Cycle in Health Emergency Technician. Study was carried out, with a comparative design, comprising a total of 44 students of the Intermediate Level of Health Emergency Technician. The procedure was carried out by completing the Spanish version of the Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale (EMMCL). The most relevant results show that anxiety about death is something that worries the students, being one of the items that worries them most about dying alone, or not being able to say goodbye to their loved ones. Likewise, it is observed that the older they get, the more worried they are about losing their faculties before they die. In short, dying alone is one of the greatest concerns perceived by the students during their clinical practice, as well as the fear of not being able to see the deceased person any more. Method: cross-sectional descriptive study, with a comparative design, comprising a total of 44 students of the Intermediate Level of Health Emergency Technician. The procedure was carried out by completing the Spanish version of the Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale (EMMCL). Results: anxiety about death is something that worries the students, and one of the elements that worries them most is dying alone, or not being able to say goodbye to their loved ones. Likewise, it is observed that the older they are, the more worried they are about losing their faculties before death. Conclusions: dying alone is one of the major concerns of the students who have perceived during their clinical practice, as well as the fear of not being able to see the deceased person any more.

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