Are open educational resources (OER) and practices (OEP) efective in improving learning achievement? A meta-analysis and research synthesis

  1. Ahmed Tlili
  2. Juan Garzón
  3. Soheil Salha
  4. Ronghuai Huang
  5. Lin Xu
  6. Daniel Burgos
  7. Mouna Denden
  8. Orna Farrow
  9. Robert Farrow
  10. Aras Bozkurt
  11. Tel Amiel
  12. Rory McGreal
  13. Aida López Serrano
  14. David Wiley
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

ISSN: 2365-9440

Año de publicación: 2023

Número: 20

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.1186/S41239-023-00424-3 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


While several studies have investigated the various efects of open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP), few have focused on its connection to learning achievement. The related scientifc literature is divided about the efects of OER and OEP with regards to their contribution to learning achievement. To address this tension, a meta-analysis and research synthesis of 25 studies (N=119,840 participants) was conducted to quantitatively investigate the efects of OER and OEP on students’ learning achievement. The analysis included course subject, level of education, intervention duration, sample size, geographical distribution, and research design as moderating variables of the obtained efects. The fndings revealed that OER and OEP have a signifcant yet negligible (g=0.07, p<0.001) efect. Additionally, the analysis found that the obtained efect can be moderated by several variables, including course subject, level of education and geographical dis‑ tribution. The study fndings can help various stakeholders (e.g., educators, instructional designers or policy makers) in understanding what might hinder OER and OEP efect on learning achievement, hence accommodating better learning outcomes and more efective interventions.

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