Auge y declive de la iniciativa ciudadana europea¿guardar las apariencias o garantizar la participación?

  1. Orestes Suárez Antón
REDE. Revista española de derecho europeo

ISSN: 1579-6302

Any de publicació: 2019

Número: 69

Pàgines: 49-83

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: REDE. Revista española de derecho europeo


The European Citizen Initiative (ECI), the first citizen participation mechanism at supranational level, offers the possibility of activating the legislative procedure of the European Union (EU) to those proposals that have the support of one million citizens. Its incorporation into the European legislation is part of the debate on the democratic deficit of the EU and the growing distance between citizens and institutions of representation. In contrast to other participatory mechanisms with binding effects, such as referendums, the ECI offers a political agenda setting system with potentialities for the development of an European public debate without undermining the decision-making capacity of the political representation. Based on the analysis of the academia and of the comparative experience on agenda mechanisms at European level, are raised here the characteristics of the current ECI regulation and of the first six years of operation of the mechanism, together with the analysis of the Commission proposal of September 2017 to review the ECI Regulation 211/2011.

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