Fiebre chikungunya

  1. San Miguel-Hernández, Ángel
  2. San Miguel-Rodríguez, A.
Gaceta médica de Bilbao: Revista oficial de la Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Bilbao. Información para profesionales sanitarios

ISSN: 0304-4858 2173-2302

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Ausgabe: 112

Nummer: 2

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Gaceta médica de Bilbao: Revista oficial de la Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Bilbao. Información para profesionales sanitarios


Infection by the Chikungunya virus causes an illness with an acute febrile phase lasting two to five days, followed by a longer period of joint pains in the extremities. The disease is transmitted by Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti. The A. albopictus or Asian tiger mosquito is more widespread and is the most aggressive. It is known that monkeys, bats and rodents act as a reservoir for the virus. The best means of prevention is overall mosquito control and the avoidance of bites by any infected mosquitoes. No specific treatment is known, but drugs can be used to reduce symptoms. Rest and fluids may also be useful.