Descolonizando Norteaméricael rol de la mujer Nativo Americana en las sociedades indígenas

  1. Beatriz Jiménez Villanueva 1
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


Los pueblos indígenas: la lucha por el reconocimiento de sus derechos
  1. Iglesias Vázquez, María del Ángel (coord.)
  2. Lázaro Feo, Ana Laia (coord.)

Publisher: Dykinson

ISBN: 978-84-1122-698-1

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 51-68

Type: Book chapter


This research aims to offer different tools for dismantling an imposed image created upon indigenous women living in the north part of the American continent. For that purpose, the process of the construction of the colonial subject is explained based on a postcolonial approach (Bhabha, Mignolo, Spivak). The imaginary created upon this colonial subject has been developed in colonial discourse, depicting indigenous people as savages, uncivilized and with no cultural value. Notwithstanding that there are very few descriptions of women in those colonial texts, Eastern cultures have understood women’s rolesas relegated roles in the community. For that reason, this research takes back different writings by Native American women to break up this misconception and therefore decolonize the imaginary created upon those women by an Eurocentric discourse.