Perfil competencial requerido en el mercado español del gran consumo a los graduados en marketingun análisis de contenido de las ofertas de empleo en Internet

  1. Jorge García Martín 1
  2. Lázaro Echegaray 1
  1. 1 CÁMARABILBAO University Business School
Esic market

ISSN: 0212-1867

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 162

Pages: 107-154

Type: Article


More publications in: Esic market


This Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the skills and knowledge currently required to marketing graduates in job vacancies in the mass consumer market, as a result of the corporate world’s response to the changes that globalisation and technological development demand. Methodology: The research described here employed a mixed methodology. The first step involved performing a documentary search, using desk research techniques, on the two leading job portals in Spain: Infoempleo and Infojobs. Following this, a content analysis was performed to quantify each one of the requirements appearing in the job listings analysed. Results: The results highlight the importance of knowing how to leverage social media effectively regarding to digital skills, the relevance of English language among meta-skills and a comprehensive knowledge of marketing strategies in relation to conceptual marketing knowledge requirements. As to the correlation between the experience and wage variables, this was observed to be especially strong. Limitations: As this study has been focused on the B2C market, its conclusions are not directly applicable to other markets. Practical implications: The value of this research lies in the importance that the latest skills required by the market have for university education in order to adapt curricula accordingly.

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