¿Cuáles deben ser las competencias y las habilidades del profesional del marketing?una visión exploratoria desde la perspectiva profesional y académica

  1. Jorge García Martín 1
  2. Lázaro Echegaray 1
  1. 1 Cámarabilbao University Business School
Esic market

ISSN: 0212-1867

Any de publicació: 2018

Número: 160

Pàgines: 239-283

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Esic market


This article analyzes the workings of the Spanish shipping market for e-commerce. This logistics and distribution model, which supports e-commerce, has experienced strong growth, especially since the ning of the economic crisis. It has expanded in parallel with the growth of e-commerce entrepreneurship and transactions; nevertheless, it is a business model that has not been scientifically studied and which, despite the advantages of direct distribution producers to consumers, is not very transparent. To develop a better understanding, an exploratory study via structured interviews with the main players in the Spanish shipper market was carried out. The main conclusion is that it is a very simple business model, characterized mainly by the presence of small businesses and freelancers, a lack of seniority and experience amongst shipping providers, high levels of returns (6% of invoiced products) and with annual abandon cart rates above 63% for the online stores that used these services. Nevertheless, the projections of Spanish shippers for e-commerce for the coming years leads us to think that the model will continue to grow, but with a higher level of specialization.

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