La Ley 12/2023, de 24 de mayo, por el derecho a la vivienda impide el desahucio arbitral

  1. Antonio Mª. Lorca Navarrete 1
  1. 1 Presidente de la Corte Vasca de Arbitraje
La Ley. Mediación y arbitraje

ISSN: 2660-7808

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 16

Type: Article

More publications in: La Ley. Mediación y arbitraje


The author of this commentary argues that the limitations to the freedom of the lessor established by Law 12/2023, of May 24, for the right to housing prevent him from freely agreeing with the lessee an arbitration clause in a lease of housing and force to conclude that the claim by arbitration of the non‐payment of rent is not fully available to the parties who sign the lease and that, therefore, it cannot be considered arbitrable matter under art. 2.1º LA.