Freedom of Religions and Beliefs in the European ContextConcluding (Quo Usque Tolerantia Nostra Nos Ducit)

  1. Maria del Ángel Iglesias Vázquez 1
  2. Luca Paladini 2
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


  2. 2 University for Foreigners of Siena
Protection and Promotion of Freedom of Religions and Beliefs in the European Context
  1. Luca Paladini (ed. lit.)
  2. Iglesias Vázquez, Maria del Ángel (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Springer Nature Switzerland AG

ISBN: 978-3-031-34503-6 978-3-031-34505-0 978-3-031-34502-9

Any de publicació: 2023

Pàgines: 399-434

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


Beyond merely extracting the most important ideas that the authors have pointed out in their contributions, this final chapter crosses those of the different sections that make up this book. It shows how there are differences in the interpretation of this freedom and right in the ECJ or in the ECHR, in the narrower scope of the European Union or in the broader range of Europe to which this work extends. This chapter shows that the FoRB is part of the most intimate sphere of the person and that it has a complex development, especially concerning its external subjective aspect, the external manifestation, whether individual or collective and the objective aspect, which concerns the different positions of the States. In the same geographical region, that of Europe, there are divergences in terms of the policy followed by the States, even if all of them, later on, point out that tolerance—the acceptance of the different identity of the other, of a particular and distinct culture—is an indispensable factor for the correct exercise of the FoRB, without this being equivalent to the renunciation of European values and traditions. This last work aims to bring this personal character that the two European courts imprint in their interpretations. Along with this, the most relevant lines that the International Labor Organization has been carrying out in favour of the peaceful enjoyment of this right and freedom are highlighted: it is verified that in the labour sphere, whether public or private, possible conflicts are intensified. In this European scenario, the positive contribution of the Holy See, as significant as it is unknown, is demonstrated.