Democratizando la educación superior a través de la pedagogía inclusivavoces docentes que transforman

  1. Sánchez Díaz, María de las Nieves
Dirigée par:
  1. Beatriz Morgado Camacho Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 06 juillet 2023

  1. Cecilia Simón Rueda President
  2. Rafael Carballo Delgado Secrétaire
  3. María Leonor Borges Terremoto Rapporteur
  4. Víctor Hugo Perera Rodríguez Rapporteur
  5. María Emma Mayo Pais Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The growing presence of students with disabilities in Spanish universities raises the need to make changes in the way in which the needs of these students are addressed, as they currently have lower admission, retention and academic success rates than their peers without disability. Inclusive pedagogy is recognised as an alternative scenario for organising learning in a way that welcomes all learners. This research is linked to an R+D project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, directed by Professor Anabel Moriña, entitled Inclusive Pedagogy at the University: Faculty Members' Narratives (MINECO, ref. EDU2016-765887-R). The aim of this project is to study the university faculty members of six Spanish public universities who develop inclusive pedagogy in both, the design and development of educational projects, as well as to learn about their beliefs and knowledge about disability and attention to diversity. Thus, the aim is to offer examples of good practices to achieve an inclusive pedagogy in the context of Higher Education. The research will be carried out following a biographical-narrative methodology, framed within a qualitative research design. Specifically, it will be carried out by constructing thematic microhistories of the life of faculty members who teach in the field of Educational Sciences. The research will be conducted in two phases: an extensive phase, which will be carried out through two semi-structured interviews where the beliefs, knowledge, designs and actions of faculty who develop inclusive pedagogy will be analysed; and an intensive phase, which requires a more in-depth analysis of the microhistories of the life of some of the participants in order to know and understand their personal and professional development focused on inclusive pedagogical practices. The results of both phases allow us to obtain a holistic and complex vision of the educational scope of inclusive pedagogy at university, directly from the voice of its protagonists.