Una experiència de coaching grupal i desenvolupament de competències emprenedores en estudiants universitaris

  1. Tous Pallarès, Jordi
  2. Mayor Sánchez, Carolina
  3. Bonasa Jiménez, María del Pilar
  4. Civico Fornós, Estalina
  5. Duran Bonavila, Silvia
Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia

ISSN: 1135-1268

Ano de publicación: 2012

Volume: 14

Número: 1

Páxinas: 43-60

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia


University students’ employability often supposes a mismatch between the professional profile and the profile searched by the companies, powered by the lack of development of generic skills through academic life. This project arises from a double need: develop core competencies of the subject «Psychology of the groups and organizations» of the training curriculum in Psychology, and implement core competencies in search of strategies for job creation. The sample consisted of 167 students in 4th course of Psychology from the subject ‘Psychology of groups and organizations’ doing an occupancy project for self-employment. The projects’ development consists of self-administering questionnaire Belbin’s self-perception, conducting at least two meetings for decision making, one of which was videotaped, applying the techniques studied in class. During the session each group member evaluates the other roles according to Belbin’s criteria (1981), and reporting on each meeting. Once the projects end, the teacher evaluates them; students individually score the work and the presentation of the other groups based on the criteria of originality, applicability, feasibility and structure; a new assessment, based on the same criteria, is made by teachers outside the subject, and, finally, are forwarded to the University’s Chair of entrepreneurs asking for evaluation and the various grants and subsidies that could receive if they decided to carry them out. The obtained results follow a pattern set in the different groups. Those that, based on the above criteria (originality, applicability, feasibility and structure), obtain better results through the various judges’ evaluation, are those in which in the first meeting dominate mental roles, and also social and action roles, and, in the following meetings, dominate action roles in spite remain social roles without extreme scores; the groups obtaining worse results are those dominated by action and social roles, and mental roles are relegated. It should be noticed that the groups getting the best score also made fewer interviews compared with the rest of groups. Results of this project suggest the roles’ pattern to be followed in a project’s development to success. In this case we have worked to create self-employment strategies due to this perspective do not prevail in the Psychology Degree. Observing the extrapolation to other students should be studied in other careers, opening new lines of research.

Referencias bibliográficas

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