Análisis comparativo de ciudades históricas mediante sintaxis espacial. Los casos de Sevilla y Lisboa

  1. Ferreira-Lopes, Patricia
Arqueología de la arquitectura

ISSN: 1695-2731

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 18

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3989/ARQ.ARQT.2021.002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Arqueología de la arquitectura

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This paper presents a comparative analysis by applying space syntax techniques at two historic cities that during the 16th and 17th centuries were, among others, the main centres of the Iberian Peninsula: Lisbon and Seville. The main methodological phases in the present study were: 1) acquisition and digitalization of historical data; geo-processing of the data sources; 2) preparation of the axial map model; 3) generation of the axial map; 4) generation of the segment map; 5) study and statistical analysis of the parameters; 6) visualization and interpretation of the maps. The application of the analysis based on segment maps has allowed the calculation of variables more related to accessibility, movement and urban activity: Normalized Angular Choice (NACH) and Normalized Angular Integration (NAIN). This paper also shows that the computational model provides an effective approach to perform comparative studies of historical cities.

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