La tutela penal de los menores como víctimas y testigos de la violencia familiar en España

  1. Ángela Casals Fernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad CEU San Pablo-Madrid
Revista Electrónica de Estudios Penales y de la Seguridad: REEPS

ISSN: 2531-1565

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 5

Pages: 25

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Penales y de la Seguridad: REEPS


Violence is one of the most worrying phenomena in today's society. It affects with similar intensity all countries, regardless of their level of development. For centuries, violence has been perpetrated within the family without causing any kind of state reaction, considering that any problem occurring in the domestic sphere should have the privacy of the family itself. In this study of criminal perspective, we will focus on the minor as a victim and as a witness in the crimes of gender and family violence in Spain. We will study the measures for the protection of children and adolescents, the criminal legal instruments with which this type of invisible crime is dealt with. In addition to taking into account the consequences of their victimization within the Organic Law 4/2015, of 27 April, of the Statute of the Crime Victim.