El espacio urbano como escenario electoral durante la segunda campaña de Barack Obama por las elecciones presidenciales de 2012
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- García García, Francisco (coord.)
- García Guardia, María Luisa (coord.)
- Taborda Hernández, Ernesto (coord.)
Publisher: Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016
Year of publication: 2016
Tome: 1
Volume: 1
Pages: 349-375
Congress: Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas (4. 2016. Madrid)
Type: Conference paper
This paper is aimed to analyze how far electoralcampaigns influence cities as urban spaces, making themtheir stages. We focus this study on main American citieswhere President Barack Obama runs his second electoralcampaign to be reelected.We approach technology as a change to make thecity easier to understand and to use, above all, for newvisitors, that in many cases, go there as Delegates andMembers of their own parties. In Annual Conventions thissituation occurs, both of them (Republican and DemocrateConventions) are held every four years, as presidentialelections are.Meetings, Conventions, Swering in President,gathering with supporters in local tours, etc. define the mainpolitical actions that need many urban spaces to take placeand to ask for vote to their citizens.We will overview an itinerary over these places thatare temporarily modified for the implementation of thesecampaigns in order to identify constants as well as beable to describe this second and alternative use that cityadoptes because of the electoral campaigns, local, regionalor national.