Perfiles de redes sociales de estudiantes, necesidades psicológicas básicas, autoconcepto e intención de ser físicamente activo

  1. Francisco Daniel Martínez-Martínez
  2. Higinio González-García
  3. Joaquín González-Cabrera
Psicología conductual = behavioral psychology: Revista internacional de psicología clínica y de la salud

ISSN: 1132-9483

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 30

Issue: 3

Pages: 757-772

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicología conductual = behavioral psychology: Revista internacional de psicología clínica y de la salud


This cross-sectional study aimed to identify social networks addiction profiles and whether there is a relationship with basic psychological needs, self-concept and intention to be physically active. The participants were 276 Spanish University Students (115 men and 161 women, Mage= 28.47; SD= 8.65) from 10 different universities through incidental sampling. Two profiles were found: a profile characterized by high scores in addiction symptoms, social usage, geek treats and nomophobia; a profile characterized by extremely-high scores in addiction symptoms, social usage, geek treats and nomophobia. Results revealed significant differences between the profiles in autonomy, competence and emotional selfconcept. The second profile revealed higher scores in the aforementioned variables and showed lower age in their participants (M= 25.69; SD= 6.93) in comparison with the high social network profile (M= 30.10; SD= 9.15). The presence of important levels of addiction symptoms in both profiles of the sample suggests that interventions should be conducted to prevent the maladaptive outcomes of addictions in social media.

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