Modelización matemática con Geogebra: colocación de circunferencias y esferas

  1. Ricardo José García Bonaviña 1
  2. Almudena Lloréns Payá 2
  3. Carmen Romero García 3
  4. Ana María Zarco García 3
  1. 1 IES Fray Ignacio Barrachina (Ibi), España
  2. 2 Colegio Salesianos San Vicente Ferrer (Alcoy), España
  3. 3 Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, España
Pensamiento Matemático

ISSN: 2174-0410

Ano de publicación: 2021

Volume: 11

Número: 1

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Pensamiento Matemático


In this work, starting from the existing theoretical framework, between curricular regulations and researching on methodology for mathematics education, we present an experience with Secondary Education students to whom we propose a problem composed of several subproblems that require mathematical modelling and we expose an evaluation proposal for this type of activity in order to take into account all the involved aspects in this process. The problem consists of determining the number of balls that can be placed in an orthohedron and investigating the different possibilities according to the gaps left between the balls. In a first step, students are made to reflect on how they would solve the problem if it were in dimension two, and in a second step, the problem is taken to dimension three. Teachers lead them into the resolution and explain tools offered by GeoGebra (International Geogebra Institute, 2020). Finally, the guide for individual and group evaluations are proposed, including two instruments: rubric and dartboard. As a conclusion it is obtained that these activities can be useful to work mathematical skills along with the rest of the key competencies meaningfully.