El papel del autor y la condición testimonial de las novelas "No, mi general" de Irene Lozano y "Hay algo que no es como me dicen" de Juan José Millás

  1. Lilic, Milica 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Rioja

    Universidad de La Rioja

    Logroño, España

    ROR https://ror.org/0553yr311

Pasavento: revista de estudios hispánicos

ISSN: 2255-4505

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 9

Issue: 1

Pages: 95-116

Type: Article

DOI: 10.37536/PREH.2021.9.1.1086 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_opene_Buah editor

More publications in: Pasavento: revista de estudios hispánicos

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This study starts from the concept of the testimonial novel and its ma-nifestations in the current Spanish narrative, in order to analyze the documen-tary elements and the fictional techniques integrated into the works "No, mi general" by Irene Lozano and "Hay algo que no es como me dicen" by Juan José Millás. The change in the thematic approach presented by these novels –both tell real stories about mobbing and sexual harassment of women in the Spanish Army and Ponferrada City Council, respectively–, will allow to study their particular structure, as well as the importance of the authors’ role and their real and partial intervention in the case. In this way, the collective and denouncing nature the-se novels have regarding the aforementioned emerging social problem will be affirmed. Likewise, a special emphasis will be put on subjectivization, an element that proves the testimonial condition of these novels, that is, it affirms the deve-lopment of a series of techniques that objectify the facts, on the one hand, and certifies the presence of the mechanisms that contribute to the narrativization of the story, on the other. Finally, two levels of narration will be distinguished: the story of the protagonist and the story of the narrator. The first one narrates a real case of harassment from the perspective of the victim, that is, it reinterprets the official truth and reconstructs reality, while the second one acquires a model dimension and appeals to a whole group of harassed women in the workplace.

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