Recursos del lenguaje musical contemporáneo en los formatos audiovisualesestudio de algunos casos

  1. Eneko Vadillo Pérez 1
  1. 1 Conservatorio Superior de música de Málaga
Música: Revista del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid

ISSN: 0541-4040

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 27

Pages: 195-220

Type: Article

More publications in: Música: Revista del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid


The creation and perception of music for media and screen formats has not experienced an excessive evolution since its appearance in the last century. Currently, using electroacoustic media, resources inherited from traditional avant-garde or the use of more current procedures such as multitexturality, spectral instrumental synthesis or micro polyphony, remains as unusual as it was in previous times. It is worth asking why this dissociation and temporal incongruity between the languages, already classics of the twentieth century and the resources and procedures that have been used mostly by the composers of the media formats —feature film, documentary, video dance, etc.—. This article tries to give clues to understand the evolution, use and reasons of the use or disuse of the own languages of the modernity in the media. To do this, four scores that in one way or another are inspired or using free atonal music will be analysed. Dodecaphonic, textural or non-traditional: «The Cobweb» —1955—, «Planet of the Apes» —1968—, «Alien 3» —1992— and «Oscuro y Lucientes» —2018—.