A corpus-based study of adverbs of frequency in a goal-oriented distance learning forum

  1. Svetlana Stefanova Radoulska
Elia: Estudios de lingüística inglesa aplicada

ISSN: 1576-5059

Année de publication: 2018

Número: 18

Pages: 15-49

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/ELIA.2018.I18.02 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Elia: Estudios de lingüística inglesa aplicada

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This paper reports on a corpus-based study that investigated the use of frequency adverbs in students’ posts in a goal-oriented virtual forum. The participants in the study were undergraduate students enrolled in two distance learning undergraduate degrees at the International University of la Rioja (Spain), and whose English language level was B1. The forum was part of one of the modules taught within a BEd program with a major in English Language Teaching. The study used a mixed-method approach and the results showed that the erroneous usage of the selected set of adverbs represents 7.47% of the total number of errors. For the classification of the errors, an error taxonomy was designed, including 9 error types. Findings revealed that the most common error types were those related to the position of frequency adverbs in the clause. The paper argues for the unique value of data gathered from virtual forums for the design of prevention-oriented teaching material, based on predictable errors

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