Actitudes hacia la participación ciudadana en personas mayores
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
ISSN: 0210-5233
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 160
Pages: 3-18
Type: Article
More publications in: REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas
Empirical evidence has traditionally indicated that older people have more unyielding attitudes towards political and social participation. However, it is still an inconclusive area of research, due to the methodological impossibility of simultaneously taking into account the joint effects of age, political generation membership, and the period under consideration. This study addresses these issues by treating age not as a continuous variable, but as a group variable, and using five quasi-longitudinal samples from the World and European Values Surveys and the CIS Data Bank, covering a period of almost 30 years. The results show that, when these effects are simultaneously controlled, the life cycle is not an explanatory factor for attitudes towards citizen participation.
Funding information
Este artículo está basado en una investigación financiada parcialmente por la Beca de Formación de Personal Investigador otorgada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2007-2011) y llevada a cabo en el Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC y la «Ayuda para la finalización de tesis doctorales», del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas en la convocatoria de 2012.Bibliographic References
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