Propuesta didáctica de espacios ambientales en las aulas de Educación Infantil

  1. Rojano Ramos, Santiago
  2. Jiménez López, Mª Ángeles
Innoeduca: international journal of technology and educational innovation

ISSN: 2444-2925

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Ausgabe: 3

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 66-74

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.24310/INNOEDUCA.2017.V3I1.2039 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Innoeduca: international journal of technology and educational innovation


The objective of this article is the design of an action program for environmental education in the early childhood education, specifically for students of 5-6 years aged. So, it’s developed a qualitative study on the perception that future teachers of pre-school education have about environmental education in early age and the convenience to create environmental education programs with children just at the moment when they have incorporated into their schools. Based on the ideas given by the professional futures of the teaching of the first school stage, it has been proposed and designed an active program of environmental education, whose main idea was the use of a methodology based on the environmental spaces. The program has been developed so that classrooms could be transformed as spaces of environmental education, in which has worked a topic related to environmental education (recycling, water, biodiversity, pollution, etc.) in each one, determined in each case whether the activity in every space could affect to the planet and measure the intensity degree. Graphically, every space is represented by a circle above the Earth figure and students evaluated if the activity impacts over the characteristics of the planet and sustainable development. The interaction of each environmental space with the planet is represented by a colour concentric circle that surrounds our planet. The impact level is pointed by circles with different colours (green, yellow and red) in order to explain the level of the interaction between the environmental space activity and our planet.

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