Postproduciendo (casi) nada
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
ISSN: 2341-0515
Año de publicación: 2016
Volumen: 4
Número: 1
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: [i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio
Postproduction is a technical term from the audiovisual vocabulary used in television, film and video. It refers to the set of processes applied to recorded material. It mainly has an entropic character, which means a continuous and irreversible release of energy and new reprogrammed products, reviewing previously reprogrammed ones in an infinite process. Could we imagine a postproduction towards the opposite direction? A postproduction whose effort tends to zero? What if we now prefer to continue being postproductive but doing it through (almost) nothing? Extrapolating this other meaning directly into architectural practice, we would be reclaiming an explicit form of efficacy where the way of acting (the best choice, the most sustainable) can be ‘doing nothing’ or ‘doing almost nothing’. Something that will connect us to Bartleby, Herman Melville's character and his famous quotation: “I would prefer not to”.
Referencias bibliográficas
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