Sistema de información para apoyar la gestión de la educación a distancia

  1. Ramos García, Luis Enrique
  2. Gil Herrera, Richard de Jesús
Télématique: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Telemáticos

ISSN: 1856-4194

Ano de publicación: 2010

Volume: 9

Número: 1

Páxinas: 98-119

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Télématique: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Telemáticos


The Education is one of the foundations of the human civilization, but with the development and after intensive use of the Information and Communication Technologies in this area, it has been produced large differences in the access to education in the undeveloped countries. It was taken a proposal of model of information system based in some of the variables, which in the university level influences this problematic, so in the presence and distance education and it was computationally represented with the objective of being able to processing the generated information. For this, it was follow a methodology called Methontology, which is based in the ontological paradigm. It was used a CASE tool for ontologies edition called Protege R version 3.3 beta, which facilitates the edition of ontologies, knowledge acquisition, validation and documentation of the ontology. The knowledge acquisition was done by experts, to whom some questionnaires were applied with direct interviews and it was studied the possibility of acquiring such knowledge through internet with CASE tool called CSCL, in order to have a larger participation of the user. The validation of the knowledge was done with a reasoner tool called RacerR. Three prototypes were generated, with what it was tried to answer the research questions made by the authors in the ontology specification process. With the last prototype and using a plug . in called �\queries. it was possible answering such questions. The result was the implementation in Ontological Language for Web (OWL), from which it could be generated an autonomous application in JAVA. This development is oriented to facilitate the information processing related with the students, to orienting them, so in the selection of their professional studies such as in the way of the studies administration.