Metalenguaje interactivoherramientas en la red para los nativos digitales

  1. Berlanga Fernández, Inmaculada

ISSN: 1697-8293

Any de publicació: 2010

Títol de l'exemplar: Conceptos y ámbitos de la interactividad

Volum: 8

Número: 1

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Icono14


The widespread running of the new technologies in advanced societies has caused some vertiginous changes of the language during recent years. This transformation is especially observed in young people who show some very different ways of behavior with regard to the language compared to the previous generations. This article presents the need to design several educational and social strategies for using the best of the new context and reducing the contradictions and restrictions from the generation called �digital native speakers�. The characteristics of this group are analyzed and the article finishes with a proposal of websites which can help to improve the following communicative strategies: reading, language knowledge, writing, creativity promotion and aesthetics education.

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