Autonomía de paciente y deberes del médico en el proyecto de ley andaluza de "muerte digna"

  1. Díez Fernández, José Antonio
Cuadernos de bioética

ISSN: 1132-1989 2386-3773

Ano de publicación: 2010

Volume: 21

Número: 71

Páxinas: 51-60

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Cuadernos de bioética


The provisions of the andalusian Law on rights and guarantees of the dignity of persons in the process of death, also known as «act of dignifi ed death», are based on two pillars: The right to the autonomy of the patient, supported, if it be, in a will expressed in instructions given in advance and the duties of doctors and health centers to give satisfaction, to the extent of their potential and respecting the law, those demands. The core of the question is to fi nd the point of necessary balance between the wishes of the patient and the freedom and responsibility of the doctor. Together with positive aspects, such as the recognition of the right and the implementation of the palliative care, there are other questionable proposals, affecting the rights of doctors: a lack of understanding of freedom and professional responsibility, recognition of the objection of conscience and certain ethics duties, etc. As expressed by the law, remain committed substantial rights of doctors and might favor, in the care activity, introducing practices of defensive medicine.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Hendin H. «Seducidos por la muerte» . Planeta, 2008, 107-108.
  • Hendin, H. Resumen para el Subcomité del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de América: En . «Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the Netherlands» JAMA ob. cit. en nota 6. (1997), 1720-1722.
  • Herranz, G. « La medicina paliativa, ejercicio de ciencia y de humanidad », publicado en Aceprensa, nº 100 (2008) de 1 octubre. Madrid, 2008.