Efectos económicos regionales de la COVID-19 en los autónomosEl caso de Cantabria

  1. Patricia Moreno-Mencía
  2. Lidia Sánchez-Ruiz
  3. David Cantarero-Prieto
  4. Paloma Lanza-León
  5. Irene González-Rodríguez
Revista de estudios regionales

ISSN: 0213-7585

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 126

Seiten: 17-53

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de estudios regionales


The economic crisis that, as a consequence of the health pandemic, has been unleashed, will affect to a greater extent the weakest groups of our labour market. In this regard, self-employed workers may face a particularly dramatic situation. Thus, due to the lock down measures established to mitigate the advance of the coronavirus, at this time of uncertainty, millions of workers in general, and self-employed in particular, have had to radically reduce their economic activity, paralyzing numerous projects and/or jobs. Consequently, their income has been suddenly and indefinitely reduced. Given these circumstances, at the present time, it is especially relevant to analyse the effects that COVID-19 is generating on employment and, more particularly, on the group of self-employed workers. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyse and estimate the effects that the health crisis unleashed by the disease COVID-19 might have on self-employed workers in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria through the simulation of three possible contingency scenarios: base, favourable and adverse. The self-employed workers in Cantabria, at the end of April 2020, were 40,603. The data for affiliation of self-employed workers that same month of the previous year stood at 41,515 people, which means an annual fall of 2.2%. This decrease is slightly higher than that which has taken place in the whole of the national territory, where it has stood at 1.7%, which already indicates the degree of impact that the health crisis is having on the business fabric of the region.

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