Formación del profesorado universitario en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje para el desarrollo de competencias docentes

  1. Carmen Romero García
  2. Olga Buzón García
Experiencias innovadoras en ambientes de aprendizaje híbridos y virtuales
  1. María Esther Avelar Álvarez (coord.)
  2. Claudia Islas Torres (coord.)
  3. Claudia Cintya Peña Estrada (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Octaedro

ISBN: 9788419506412

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Orrialdeak: 83

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


This study presents the implementation of a training program that uses an instructional design based on a student-centered active learning model for thetraining of teachers who teach in a virtual environment. The instructional design is based on the events proposed by Gagné and, to implement them in theclassroom, digital tools for content presentation, collaboration and evaluationhave been used. The main objective of this study is to analyze whether theimplementation of this training program in a virtual classroom has an impacton teachers’ methodological and digital competence. The sample consists of42 teachers who teach in a fully online university. An ad hoc questionnaire,elaborated in Google Forms, was designed, and applied to find out the self-perception of their improvement in methodological and digital competence andto assess student satisfaction with different aspects of the program. The results show that students perceive an improvement in their methodological anddigital competence and consider that the elements of the program have animpact on this improvement. Students expressed a high level of satisfactionwith the training program, which they considered useful for their teachingpractice. It is concluded that the training program has been effective and hashad a positive impact on teachers’ methodological and digital competence in avirtual environment.