Aprendizaje artístico y conocimiento artísticoFotografiando la escultura en el espacio público

  1. Elke Castro León
Aprendiendo a enseñar artes visuales un enfoque a/r/tográfico: Learning to teach visual arts : an a/r/tographic approach
  1. Ricardo Marín Viadel
  2. Joaquin Roldán
  3. Caeiro Rodríguez, Martín (coord.)

Verlag: Tirant Humanidades ; Tirant lo Blanch

ISBN: 9788418329463

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Seiten: 98-109

Art: Buch-Kapitel


the construction of artistic knowledge. A large sculpture located in a public space invites the spectator to act as an active agent, and becomes the object of learning for the spectator’s cognitive experience (Piaget, 1987, Castro-Leon, 2017). Works of art are fundamental in constructing artistic knowledge through their interaction with a spectator, whether that interaction be tactile, visual, or the experience of moving around it (Vygotski, 1984). Through the experience of art appreciation (Dewey, 2004), people have artistic experiences that are conducive to significant learning (Ausubel, Novak and Hanesian, 1987) which connect with their interests, lived experiences, and previous knowledge. This project intends to explore some of the methodological advantages offered by these situations of artistic learning that take place in public spaces. Using public works of art as a reference for educational projects and workshops favours and captures the diverse stimuli necessary for learning: physical interaction, relationships with everyday situations and contexts, multisensory exploration, collective interaction and participation, and the larger range of exploration than one can find in a museum or gallery