La identidad del profesorado en materia de igualdad a través de sus discursos y buenas prácticas coeducativas

  1. Vega Caro, Luisa
  2. Buzón-García, Olga
International Conference Reconceptualizing the Professional Identity of European Teacher
  1. Ballesteros-Moscosio, Miguel-Ángel (ed. lit.)
  2. Ries, Francis (ed. lit.)

Argitaletxea: Copiarte

ISBN: 978-84-939704-5-1

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Orrialdeak: 273-288

Biltzarra: International Conference Reconceptualizing the Professional Identity of European Teacher (1. 2013. Sevilla)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


This paper focuses on knowing and understanding the identities that teachers adopt in relation with the educational changes caused by the incorporation of the transversal perspective about gender in education. The used methodology is qualitative, based on discussion groups. The sample was made up of one male and five female teachers from different Secondary Schools of Andalusia (Spain). They were selected by means of on intentional non-probabilistic sampling. The results show three types of identities that these teachers adopted with respect to change: the recognized feminist identity, are teachers who are legitimized by the group and the changes have caused a reaffirmation of its commitment to the teaching profession; the questioned feminist identity, teachers who are questioning their professional identity; and the egalitarian identity in construction, adopted by teachers who are sensibilized with the equality that maintains an adaptive attitude towards change. On the other side it shows that these types of identities influence the performance of two types of educational practices that are carried out this type of teaching, which are broken down into visualization practices, aimed at making women visible in different professional fields in order to provide positive social models and practices for the purpose of raising awareness about equality