El derecho a la salud en el deporte

Supervised by:
  1. Vicente Javaloyes Sanchis Director
  2. José Luis Carretero Lestón Director

Defence university: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 02 June 2016

  1. Andreu Camps Povill Chair
  2. Miguel María García Caba Secretary
  3. Emilio Andrés García Silvero Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 425876 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


In this paper it is proposed to verify how it has satisfied the right to health of citizens who practice sports. In response to both the subjective dimension of this right as his side as social or collective right. And in both cases, considering the triple facet that the right to health presents and which is related to the actions of prevention, protection and promotion. To this end the reality of sport, understood in a broad and comprehensive of all its possible manifestations sense, must deal with the legal and sports and health regulations of our country whose examination will reveal if the current powers of the government allow ensure full satisfaction this right, appropriate and consistent with the principles of the system itself, in all sporting events. Keywords: Health and sport. Physical activities beneficial to health. Risk prevention in sport. Guarantees health protection in sport. Health promotion in sport.